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Make the most of your Instagram ads

  • By Meta Blueprint
  • Published: Sep 23, 2021
  • Duration 5m
  • Difficulty Beginner
  • Rating
    Average rating: 5.0 3 reviews

This lesson teaches you how to make your Instagram ads stand out.

This lesson prepares you to:

  • Identify ways to improve your ads on Instagram.

Make your ads more effective

Ads can help you reach people who don't already follow your business who are likely to be interested in it based on their location, interests and more. To make the most of your advertising, test different approaches and adjust them based on your results. Every business is different. Try different strategies until you learn what works best for you.

Meet Lucky Shrub

Maria is the owner of Lucky Shrub, a garden design company. She is eager to find new customers who are working on their home gardens. Maria has run a few Instagram ads to reach people who don't follow her and she wants to improve her strategy for future ads.*

*Disclaimer: Lucky Shrub is a fictitious business designed by Meta Creative Shop. Any similarities to content produced by real-life businesses aren't intentional.

Improve your strategy

As you start to advertise on Instagram, you may wonder how to improve your strategy and achieve meaningful results. Try these ideas to see how they can help you reach your business goal.

To boost your content, download Instagram from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

Improve your visuals

People come to Instagram to discover new things, engage with a vibrant community and get inspired. Consider these ideas when you create an ad.

Explore how other businesses connect with audiences

Discover ways that other businesses get their followers' attention with their ads. Here are some examples:

Knowledge check

What are some ways you can improve ads for your business on Instagram?

Choose the correct answer.

Key takeaways

Experiment with different audiences by targeting ads to people with different interests and locations.

Use Insights to learn more about what content your customers prefer.

Looking for more help? Try these resources.